Soft Skills

Teams can only be effective if all members understand their roles and behave in a way that will enhance the chances of success.

Understand the nature, function and appropriate behaviours.


Emotional Intelligence1 dayHaving the tools to understand and manage your own and others emotions gives you the edge in your personal and professional successAllLowView Brochure
Conflict without Quarrels1 dayConflict is inevitable. Your response to conflict situations will make a difference to whether the conflict has a positive or negative outcomeAllLowView Brochure
Taming the Time Tyrant1 dayThere are only 24 hours in a day. Learn how to catch that time that seems to slip away with some simple but effective changes in behaviour will enable you to get more done, suffer less stress and have more time to yourselfAllLowView Brochure
Assertiveness without Anxiety1 day"You teach people how to treat you". Learn the behaviours to ensure win-win interactions for you and othersAllLowView Brochure
Teams: Groups with a Mission1 or 2 daysTeams can only be effective if all members understand their roles and behave to ensure success. Understand the nature, function and appropriate behaviours of teams to turn your teams into super-teamsAllLow to medium